
Get a detailed understanding of the conveyor belt you need
Nylon Conveyor Belt

Basic product description
Nylon (NN) conveyor belt has the characteristics of thin belt body, high strength, impact resistance, good troughing, strong interlayer adhesion, excellent flexibility and long service life. It is suitable for conveying materials under medium and long distance, high load and high speed conditions. It is widely used in mines, coal yards, chemicals, metallurgy, construction, ports and other departments.


Basic product description

Nylon (NN) conveyor belt has the characteristics of thin belt body, high strength, impact resistance, good troughing, strong interlayer adhesion, excellent flexibility and long service life. It is suitable for conveying materials under medium and long distance, high load and high speed conditions. It is widely used in mines, coal yards, chemicals, metallurgy, construction, ports and other departments.


The belt body has good elasticity, impact resistance and wear resistance.

Good flexibility and easy troughing.

No mildew corrosion occurs.

Specifications and technical parameters of nylon multi-layer fabric core conveyor belt
Fabric Type Fabric construction Fabric Model Tape thickness(mm/p) Strength Series(N/mm) Covering glue thickness Width range(mm)
through latitude 1 layers 3 layers 4 layers 5 layers 6 layers Upper covering layer Lower cover
nylon Cotton Cotton NN-100 1.00 200 300 400 500 600 0-12 0-10 300-2500
NN-125 1.05 250 375 500 625 750
NN-150 1.10 300 450 600 750 900
NN-200 1.20 400 600 800 1000 1200
NN-250 1.40 500 750 1000 1250 1500
NN-300 1.60 600 900 1200 1500 1800

Adhesion strength and elongation performance meet the following table

Adhesive strength, elongation performance
Core material Adhesion strength Extension performance
Between fabric layers


Between cover layer and fabric layerN/mm Full thickness longitudinal elongation at break Full thickness longitudinal reference force elongation
Cover thickness≤1.5mm Cover thickness≥1.5mm
Polyester canvas ≥5 ≥4.5 ≥5 ≥10% ≤4%

The covering performance of the tape complies with the following table

Tape Cover Properties
Covering level Tensile Strength Elongation at break Wear Change rate of tensile strength and elongation at break after aging
Mpa Kgf/cm² % mm³ %
H ≥24 ≥240 ≥450 ≤120 -25 ~ +25
D ≥18 ≥180 ≥400 ≤100 -25 ~ +25
L ≥15 ≥350 ≥350 ≤200 -25 ~ +25